Directed by Tommy Bolwell and Mattia Reiniger
Edited by Craig Bilham
Voice Over by Maria Crittell
Music by Ben Burrows
Family, In Order of appearance:
Johnny Eede Jess Eede, Aggie Eede & Lucy Eede
Additional Photography by Tommy Bolwell and Mattia Reiniger
Produced by Tommy Bolwell and Mattia Reiniger
Archive Footage: Nasa
Film made for Houston Cinema and Arts Society: Cinespace Film Competition 2020, in-conjunction with NASA.
The Silent Heroes of Space Exploration: A short film about the experience of space exploration from the perspective of an astronaut's spouse. Based on the writing of Stacey Morgan, wife of NASA astronaut Andrew Morgan. Andrew Morgan took part in missions 60/61/62, docking with the International Space Station 50 years after the historic Apollo 11 Moon landing.